water damage cleanup

What To Salvage Or Replace During Water Damage Cleanup?

As a homeowner, water damage can wreak havoc on your property, leaving you facing tough decisions about what can be salvaged and what needs replacement during water damage cleanup, especially in areas around Pittsburgh, including Allegheny and Beaver Counties, where weather patterns can be unpredictable.

The unpredictable climate in these areas adds additional complexity to the already challenging task of mitigating and restoring water damage. Homeowners here need to make well-informed choices when addressing water damage issues, considering their decisions’ immediate impact and potential long-term consequences.

ServiceMaster of Greater Pittsburgh offers quick tips on what can be saved and what needs restoration or discarding following water damage. Let’s explore some valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

Assessing Your Home for Water Damage Cleanup

From subtle signs like water stains and peeling paint to more overt issues such as warped floors and mold growth, being aware of the indicators will empower you to take swift, informed action.

Structural Elements | Water Damage Cleanup

Salvage: Drywall and insulation can often be dried and saved if the damage is minimal.

Replace: Severely compromised structural elements like rotting wooden beams or supports should be promptly replaced to ensure the safety and stability of your home.


Salvage: Hardwood floors might be salvageable with prompt and thorough drying.

Replace: Carpets and padding are usually unsalvageable after significant water exposure due to the risk of mold and odors.

Electrical Systems:

Salvage: Appliances and wiring can sometimes be saved if thoroughly dried and professionally inspected.

Replace: Flooded electrical systems pose significant safety risks and should be replaced entirely.

Inspect Personal Belongings


Salvage: Proper drying and refinishing can often restore solid wood furniture.

Replace: Particleboard furniture generally doesn’t survive water exposure and should be replaced.

Documents and Photos:

Salvage: Documents and photos can sometimes be saved through professional drying techniques.

Replace: Important documents might need to be replaced through official channels, while damaged photos can often be digitized for preservation.

Considerations for Areas Like Allegheny and Beaver Counties

1. Basements: Salvaging items stored in basements might be challenging due to prolonged exposure to water and potential mold growth.

2. Weather Resistance: Choosing replacements with high weather resistance is essential in areas that experience heavy rainfall and humidity, like Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Westmoreland, and Washington Counties.

3. Insurance Coverage: Understanding your insurance coverage is crucial. Consult with your insurance provider, especially considering the specific risks associated with the Pittsburgh region’s weather patterns.

Leave Water Damage Cleanup to The Pros – We Restore!

Deciding to salvage or replace items during water damage cleanup often depends on the damage, the type of materials involved, and the promptness of the response. In areas around Pittsburgh, where weather-related challenges are frequent, having a plan and understanding the unique risks associated with the region can make a significant difference.

Remember, timely action and professional assistance can significantly influence the outcome of water damage cleanup. If you’re dealing with water damage in the Pittsburgh area, contact ServiceMaster of Greater Pittsburgh for expert guidance and reliable emergency restoration services!

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