You can protect your home and prevent floodwater from the destruction of your property. But if it does suffer from floods, count on ServiceMaster for restoration of your property. Our team provides flood cleanup in Greater Pittsburgh, helping you settle back into your home after damage.
Here are some tips for preventing home flooding.
Understand Your Flood Risk | Flood Damage Cleanup
To prepare and proof your home accordingly, you should know your area’s flood risk. You can check the Federal Emergency Management Agency portal for information on your area’s flood risk.
Inspect and Maintain Your Home
Keeping your home in the best working condition can reduce the risk of flooding. Inspect the foundation and basement and fix cracks. Inspect the sump pump and repair any issues to keep basement flooding at bay.
Run a thorough inspection of the plumbing line to ensure no leaks, broken pipes, and faulty faucets. If you find extreme damage, get professional flood damage cleanup professionals for effective and timely restoration.
Modify the Landscape
Hore a landscaper to have your yard graded to drain water away from your home. They can also raise any low areas that may collect water. Lastly, plant and maintain grass and shrubs to prevent erosion.
Home Drainage Manitenance
Inspect the drainage system from roofing to the sewer line. You want to make sure there is free flow of waste and rain water to prevent flooding in the event of a storm. Hire a professional to clean the cutters, fix broken downspouts and unclog the sewer drains.
Floods occur unexpectedly but with a properly maintained home and the right prevention strateges in place, you can hack this. If you are looking for reliable flood cleanup in Greater Pittsbrugh, call ServiceMaster and let us take care of the mess.